The Journey Begins

Welcome to the exciting world of politics of Bangladesh. 

USA, Russia, Germany, Japan all are planning on how to become top nation. The normal facts of developed country. That’s their politics.

We’re welcoming you in some completely different world of supreme confusion. Yes, it’s developing country politics. Way different than developed country politics, where nation may not be the first priority rather than becoming wealthy. We are welcoming you to Bangladeshi politics. You’ll be amazed how the people of this country deals with it’s traditional politics. 

A demonstration between Developed and non-developed country politics…

“We can and must move U.S politics forward by means of committed participation.”                                        – Paul Wellstone ( A literate, Developed country politician )

“Mobile phones charging are causes electricity problems”                                                                           – Goyeshwar Chandra Roy  (An illiterate developing country politician)

